

WL Translations was created on 31/03/2016.

Being avid novel readers and after reading several novels translated by other teams, We, the WL Translations team, decided to contribute back into the community!

Firstly, a BIG THANK YOU to all the teams that provided translations to novels for every novel-enthusiasts around the world including ourselves. You have all been an inspiration to us!

Secondly, the main translation project our team is currently working on is
One Sword to Immortality(OSI) 一剑飞仙!
This is an extremely popular novel which many novel-enthusiasts have been looking forward to! We promise to provide high standards in our contents to keep the essence of the original work by the author: Homeless Toad (流浪的蛤蟆)

We look forward to any criticisms/questions/doubts with our contents, as we strongly believe there are always room for improvements for us to provide even better quality translations for all of you!

Please feel free to email us:
wltrans0@gmail.com / wltrans(zero)@gmail.com

Or visit our Facebook page:

Alternatively, you can use this form to contact us:

Yours Sincerely,
WL Translations Team!

2 thoughts on “About”

  1. Kazekid said:

    Is /u/wltranslation on reddit an editor here?


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